The Project

Drainage improvements with this project include vegetation removal, roadside ditching, and culvert replacements. These improvements will address historical flooding concerns and are designed to ensure drainage flows to the north part of the Hamlet of Villeneuve.

In June, vegetation along Range Road 265 and Ferland Drive will be removed. This is advance work for the drainage improvement project.

In July and September, culverts will be replaced and ditch grade improvements will be done along Ferland Drive, Range Road 265, and the channel leading to Highway 44.

The Scope of Work

This project involves:

  • replacing 22 culverts,
  • 1,460m of ditching,
  • creating 390m of new berms, and
  • planting new trees and plants.

Project Updates

Vegetation removal is now done, allowing the project to move to the next phase: drainage construction.

Vegetation removal is in progress for the project and is expected to last just over a week. This work is being done by a qualified arborist.