The Project

Sturgeon County uses many different treatment types to preserve our roads.

The Scope of Work

  • Crack seal – used to seal individual cracks in the pavement.
  • Micro surfacing – a protective seal coat to extend the life of the pavement.
  • Thin lift overlay -a thin layer of asphalt mixture applied over the existing pavement surface.
  • Mill and overlay – grinding off the top layer of existing asphalt pavement and replacing that layer with a new surface.

What This Means to You

Construction equipment will be moving around the work areas. Please watch for signage if a lane closure is necessary.


Sunnyside RoadStarkey Road
Cardiff Pittsburgh Cardiff Road
Twp. Rd. 544 Vista Road – Rge. Rd. 230 to Gibbons border
Estate WayRge. Rd. 232 - Hwy 15 to extents
Reyda VistaTwp. Rd. 552 - Hwy 825 to Rge. Rd. 225
Bellerose DriveRge. Rd. 220 - Hwy 643 to extents
Rge. Rd. 243 - TUC to Twp. Rd 542Rge. Rd. 230 - Hwy 643 to extents

Map showing pavement preservation locations.